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Peace Amidst The Storm - Community Gathering

  • North Arm North Arm Australia (map)

Peace Amidst The Storm - Community Gathering

Several times a year, Moon & Tide Gatherings hosts a low-cost gathering to bring community together.

This is a great way to connect with Kate from Moon & Tide Gatherings, receive some healing & support, and chat about your spiritual and healing journey.

For this particular community gathering, we are blessed to have Michael joining us with guided breathwork and a live sound journey!

Michael's integral sound healing will take you on a live musical journey, featuring medicine drums, didgeridoo, tuning forks, gongs, Himalayan singing bowls and handpan.

Both men & women are welcome in this community gathering.

Saturday 25th May β€’ 5.00 pm – 8.00 pm

North Arm, Sunshine Coast

What you'll experience:

  • Opening sacred space & arrival meditation

  • Clarity & intention process

  • Practices for creating a deep state of peace

  • Guided dynamic breathwork

  • Live integral sound immersion with Michael

  • Multi-modality energy healing with Kate

  • Community connection with shared food

  • Closing of Sacred Space

Sacred Gathering held at:

A private and intimate setting, providing a safe container for our journey together. This sacred space is energetically cleared and protected using prior to the gathering commencing.

We will be nestled in nature, in a private and spacious venue, surrounded by the birds and trees.

North Arm, Sunshine Coast

The property is located 5 minutes away from the Yandina town centre. The exact address will be provided in the email to attendees with detailed instructions to locate the property.


Our intention is to offer this gathering at a reduced exchange to reduce blocks to carving out time for your self-care and spiritual growth.

There are two options for you to choose from when booking your spot:

  1. Community ticket: $35

  2. For those feeling the pressure with the cost of living, we warmly invite you to choose the Additional Support ticket: $20

This gathering is open to both men and women.

Link to book:

Please bring a small plate:

For our community gathering, if you feel called to bring a long a small plate of food to share that would be greatly appreciated!

Please note: You'll receive an email before the event with detailed directions and a reminder of what to bring along. Please keep an eye out, as sometimes this goes to spam! 

About Your Facilitators:

Kate Maryam is a Lightworker, multi-modality Energy Intuitive, Feminine Embodiment Mentor, Teacher, Spiritual & Soul Mentor, and Sacred Space Holder. Her path and purpose in life is to guide others on their inner journey to back to their true essence, their divine nature, their sacred self.

Kate is the visionary and creator behind Moon & Tide Gatherings, a series of sacred gatherings held regularly on the Sunshine Coast. Her private sessions include Energy Therapy, Channelled Angel Readings, Cacao Ceremonies, Spiritual Mentoring, Feminine Embodiment Mentoring and Bespoke Ceremonies & Blessingways.


Michael Barry is a multi-instrumental musician and Sound Therapist from the Sunshine Coast.

Michael has over 30 years of experience in the study, experimentation and effects of sound on the human body.
He has studied in the areas of sound therapy, Shamanic journeying, Reiki, hypnosis and NLP coaching.

Utilising a variety of instruments such as Himalayan bowls, tuning forks, drums, gongs, voice, guitar, didge and percussion, Michael guides a relaxing journey into our subconscious minds and tuning into a state of deep theta brain waves or what some may call the β€œdream zone”.

In addition to instruments, Michael uses many tools such as breath work, Qi Gong, vocal toning and guided meditation to trigger a deep state of parasympathetic relaxation and balance.


Refund & Cancellation Policy:

Please note that no refunds are available. I value my commitment to you, and request that you value your commitment to yourself also.

If, in the event, you are no longer able to join, you may transfer your ticket to a friend. If the event is sold out, there may be the option to sell your ticket to a community member on the waitlist. Please contact Kate to arrange this.

Should a Moon & Tide Gathering be cancelled due to a government directive, attendees will receive the option of transferring their place to the new date or a future gathering.

Please do not attend a Moon & Tide Gathering if you feel unwell or have any fever, cold or flu symptoms. Please advise Kate as soon as possible if this is the case, and she will transfer your place to a future date when you are well again.

If you are unable to attend, please provide as much notice as possible, so that these arrangements can be made.



As a participant of this sacred gathering, you agree to ensure any personal photography that you take does not have others within the photo. You agree to only take photos of the oracle cards, spiritual tools, food or the centrepiece.

I, Kate, as the Sacred Space Holder will not take photos of you during the ceremony. The ceremony is a sacred gathering, with an intimacy not to be shared outside the group container. It is a safe space for expression and release of emotion.

I may occasionally take a distance photo of the group gathering before the ceremony begins, or during a break. These photos are not close up with any faces or have personal features included. If you do not want to be included in the distance photos, please let me know upon arrival or at the time of purchasing your ticket.

Professional photography for marketing purposes:

You may have noticed some photography on my social media of a women’s circle. This was a mock session, in which the attendees were invited to join me for the purposes of marketing photography.

Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions:

By purchasing your ticket, you acknowledge that you alone are responsible for your well-being. You take full responsibility for my individual experience and outcome associated with my involvement in this sacred gathering, and beyond. Under no circumstances will I, or any of my supporting team, be held responsible for your actions or circumstances.

You acknowledge that you will enter into an agreement of confidentiality and respect for other participants at this gathering. This includes being mindful of excessive noise during an energetic or emotional release.

You ensure that you are fit, well and able to participate in the gathering. You are attending this gathering of your own free will, take full responsibility for any and all outcomes of your experience.

You have carefully and thoroughly read and understand this agreement. You are aware that with your financial investment, you are agreeing to and legally bound to the aforementioned statements.

You accept these terms with gratitude for your individual free will choice.

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Sacred Sister Circle - Spiritual Connection

8 June

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